Since 1997 & Accredited by IHRC

Opening Hours : 4pm-7pm Sunday : 9am-12pm
  Contact : 9249744304 (3pm-7pm)

Terms & Conditions

100% confidentiality is assured for every patient.

We will try our level best to get a complete and perfect cure for your disease. But please note that we do not claim to cure each and every case, nor do we guarantee any magical cure.

The homoeopathic medicines are essentially free from side effects. We have a medical license to practice in India.

Homoeopathy has no quarrels with other methods of treatment provided they help and do not hinder the natural forces of recovery. It welcomes surgical measures when directed towards the removal of mechanical impediments to the cure or of the morbid end products of disease when they interfere with the recovery. The use of replacement therapy,being perfectly logical stands accepted in homeopathy.

We do not suggest replacing or substitute the conventional treatment. Our organization takes no responsibility for any presumed complications. It is considered that the user has read and agreed to this Privacy Policy/Disclaimer when one uses the literature on this site and the online treatment option.

All medicines have been made by man, and the man himself is imperfect. Therefore without a doubt all medicines are imperfect. Human error is always possible. Medicine is a constantly changing science – not all therapies are clearly established, and new research changes drug and treatment therapies daily.
